
So the other day one of my roommates asked me if I wanted to go see the film Brooklyn with him. I haven't been to the movies a lot lately and was not sure what it was, but I said sure! Little did I know, this film would hit a lot of nerves with me (in a good way) and become one of my favorite films!


Brooklyn is an indie film directed by John Crowley that follows an Irish immigrant in the 1950s. Eilis Lacey is an Irish girl who gets the opportunity to move to New York City. She leaves behind her family to experience the American dream. In New York she starts to build a life for herself, including falling in love with Tony. Rather grim circumstances call her back to Ireland and once there she finds life is better than it ever was before. Eilis has to choose between staying in Ireland or returning to New York where her boyfriend awaits. 

The cinematography was gorgeous, the art direction beautiful, and the acting on-point, but the main thing that stuck with me was how relate-able this film is. While I watched it, I understood many of the emotions Eilis experienced. When she cried, I cried.

In my life I have recently been going through many changes. Watching Eilis go through similar things made me feel like I wasn't alone. I have moved far away from my friends and family. I have felt homesick, I have felt miserable, and I have felt alone in a place full of people. I have gone home recently and not wanted to leave. I have lost someone recently. Most importantly, I have fallen in love and so I know what it is like to be separated from that person by distance. 

I am also Irish Catholic and having been raised in an Irish Catholic family, I could relate to the family and social dynamics playing in the film. I felt as if I could be Eilis if I was alive in the 1950s. Even in a different era, someone was going through the things I am going through.

I could rave about Brooklyn all day. It was beautiful and most importantly it gave me hope. At mass last Sunday the priest was talking about how the ability to hope is part of what makes us human. I have been trying to figure out my life and find my path. If Eilis can figure out her life, than maybe I can. Brooklyn gaveme hope that everything will be ok.

I like LA alot. I'm just not sure I see myself here. As Tony says in the movie, "Home is Home."

Until next time!

Peace and Love,

Catherine :)

I'm Back!

Hey there! I obviously haven't been posting to this religiously. I have been super busy these last couple months. I have left my part time job at Nordstrom for my first real big girl job at TheBlaze. I am a Digital Media Sales Assistant so I assist the people selling the ad space for TheBlaze's digital site, radio, and TV spots. So far it is really cool and I am starting to get the hang of the programs I am learning (sage and sugar). 

Besides my new job, I have been volunteering at this organization called the Kitty Bungalow. It is a rescue shelter for feral cats. They do TNR (trap, neuter, and return)  and also saving, domesticating, and setting up adoptions for the cats in the shelter. It has been a really relaxing experience and it has given me something to do in my free time here. I had a shift every Thursday, but I had to give that up because of my new job. So I will be helping out with events and TNR events as much as I can.

I have also become involved with a company called Noteworthy Weddings. I have been helping shoot the videos for the weddings and even some assisting the owner with some "post-production" (if you want to call it that). I have met some really nice people through that and have gained some experience. Plus it is just fun :) 


I plan on continuing my top 100 classic movie endeavor, but it is just a matter of fitting it in. I will try to do it on the weekends! I am super behind! 

Overall, I miss St. Louis, my friends, and family a whole lot. I will be going home for Christmas luckily! :):)

Until next time!

Why worry? If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better.
— Walt Disney

Heading West

It is already the middle of June! I don't know where all the time went. Pretty soon I will be heading out to LA! I am trying to figure out how and what to pack. It all has to fit in my car!! There is also so much to figure out with my car. I have to get a CA license and get my car registered in CA within a certain amount of time after moving there. It is stressing me out!

Besides trying not to get overwhelmed with moving plans, I am happy to announce that my barista job with Nordstrom will officially allow me to transfer to an LA Nordstrom. So I have a job to start with waiting for me when I arrive. Next step is to start looking for a big girl job! :) I will be working in Glendale! Look how beautiful it looks!



I am getting super excited about LA!! I can't wait for it to be warm! St. Louis has been super rainy lately. I will miss my family, friends, and cats :( Everyone will be so far away, but I am excited for the opportunities that I will hopefully find out west.  

As for my attempt to watch all the movies on the Rotten Tomatoes top 100 films list, I am still working on it. More to come soon! Thanks :)

First Post!

Today I am trying out using the blog portion of Squarespace. I have been toying with the idea of starting a new blog, especially before my move to LA. 

I am moving in about 2 months to Los Angeles to pursue my dream of working in the film industry. I have a place to live and a job to start with (I work at Nordstrom's E-bar) and it is becoming more and more real as it gets closer. 

Besides working, this summer I am trying to watch more classic movies. I love old movies and I want to see more! I decided to start with the top 100 classic movies according to Rotten Tomatoes. If you wanna check it out:

I really liked this film! The story was interesting and the cinematography was gorgeous! The framing was beautiful! I don't plan on writing in depth- reviews of these movies. (maybe i'll change my mind). 

So far on the list: The Wizard of Oz, Citizen Cane, and The Third Man. Next on the list is All About Eve which I will be watching next.